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It's Time: Unlocking the Power of Pro Women's Sport Fans

Visibility & Portrayal
Last updated: May 24, 2024
It's Time: Unlocking the Power of Pro Women's Sport Fans
It's Time: Unlocking the Power of Pro Women's Sport Fans - report by Canadian Women & Sport

This research illustrates the value - current and potential - that fans of women's sports in Canada represent for all manner of sport business.

This research has been produced by Canadian Women & Sport, research and consultancy partner IMI Consulting, presenting partner Canadian Tire Corporation, and with support from Women and Gender Equality Canada.

Key findings:

2 in 3 Canadians are fans of women's sports. Canadians see women's sports as athletic and exciting—they watch, follow, and engage where they can. And there’s a tremendous appetite for more.

Fans of women's sport are a desirable audience. Not only are fans of women’s sport a large market, they’re also diverse, educated, and affluent. Professional women’s sport offers brands and investors an opportunity to connect to an attractive audience which includes the next generation of Canadians with buying power.

Unlocking the power of fans requires investment. Fans need Canadian teams to cheer for, and a high-quality and easily available product to watch, follow, and engage with. What’s available for fans to engage with today drives the fandom of tomorrow.

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